A significant investment in the area of drinking water supply was, for example, the
reconstruction of the water pipes in Krnovská Street in Opava. The construction was
realised in coordination with the Road and Motorway Directorate, which was simultaneously
working on the renewal of streets in this area. Similar were also the works in Opava-
Kateřinky, Kolofíkovo nábřeží, Ratibořská Street – reconstruction of water pipes, where the
renewal of streets was realised by the Statutory City of Opava.
A significant investment related to wastewater drainage and treatment included the start of
the reconstruction of the Václavovice WTP and the initiation of the construction of a WTP
and the finalisation of the construction of a sewage system for public use in Dobroslavice
aimed at automated sewage and wastewater treatment in the municipality.
Major projects commenced or completed in 2019
The most important project of 2019 was the commencement of reconstruction of the DN 500
Feeder Chlebovice – Staříč – Bělá and the continued reconstruction of the technological
part and automated management system in Nová Ves WTP.
A major investment into drinking water supplies was the reconstruction of the water main on
the streets of 5. května, Kosmonautů, Čs. legií, J. Koczura and Okrajní in Bohumín, in
coordination with the owners of other utilities, such as Gridservices, CETIN, and the town of
Bohumín, which carried out a reconstruction of the sewage system. Another important
project was the reconstruction of the water main in Starý Jičín – Vlčnov, carried out due to
frequent breakdowns and poor technical state of the infrastructure.
Important projects in the area of draining and treating wastewater included the ongoing
construction of sewage systems and WWTPs in Dobroslavice, Doubrava, and Petřvald. The
aim of these constructions was to ensure controlled drainage of wastewater into new
WWTPs and connection to the existing sewer network; at the same time, sewage outfalls
were removed.
Major projects commenced or completed in 2020
The most important project commenced in Ostrava Area Water Supply Networks was the
reconstruction of the Mniší Water Reservoir and Frýdek Water Reservoir, the replacement
of part of the DN 1000 drainage piping from the ozone reaction tanks in Podhradí WTP, and
the ongoing reconstruction of the DN 500 feeder Chlebovice – Staříč – Bělá.
In the area of supplies of drinking water, important completed investments included the
reconstruction of water mains in Stará Ves (Na Závodí Street, U Vody Street and
Petřvaldská Street), Chlebovice – Lysůvky, Bohumín – Záblatí (Sokolská Street, Bezrušova
Street, Na Pískách Street), Nový Jičín (Máchova Street, Nábřežní Street, Msgr. Šrámka
Square, Komenského Street, Novosady Street), and Opava (Mostní Street, Sadová Street
– to be finished in 2021). Further, the reconstruction of the building of the intervention centre
in Orlová was completed, which will significantly reduce the operating costs of the building.
In the area of wastewater drainage and treatment, constructions were completed that
removed the existing sewer outfalls without treatment facilities and wastewater is now being
drained to newly built wastewater treatment plants in Dobroslavice and Doubrava. In a
similar construction in Petřvald – Podlesí, wastewater is newly drained to Havířov WWTP
through a sewer pumping station. Other initiated projects include a construction of a clarifier
in the area of Kopřivnice WWTP and the extension of the degree of biological treatment and
sludge management in Bílovec WWTP.