

Severomoravské vodovody a kanalizace Ostrava a.s. was founded in 1992 as a joint-stock company. The majority of shares was owned by the municipalities from the Moravian-Silesian Region. The shareholding structure has changed several times.

Several changes have been made to the Company's ownership structure since the establishment of the Company in 1992, when municipalities became the majority shareholders. Since 2 December 2009, the majority shareholder of the Company has been AQUALIA CZECH S.L., whose partners included by the time of the preparation of this report FCC Aqualia, S.A with a 99.9999% ownership interest, and Aqualia Intech, S. A with a 0.0001% ownership interest.  

SmVaK Ostrava is a part of the group controlled by FOMENTO DE CONSTRUCCIONES Y CONTRATAS, S.A.