Quality of water


The production process and quality of the drinking water are monitored pursuant to laws in force where the specified frequency and scope of such checks ensure correct parameters of the technology processes. Quality of the drinking water is monitored using samples and laboratory analyses. Continuous analysers check compliance with hygiene limits which are defined in the Regulation No. 252/2004 Coll. that sets forth the hygiene requirements for drinking water, hot water and frequency and scope of quality checks.
Legislative samples of water are analysed in the accredited laboratory. Operation control analyses of water are carried out also in operation laboratories in the water treatment plants - in Podhradí u Vítkova and Nová Ves u Frýdlantu nad Ostravicí. Quality of drinking water supplied by SmVak Ostrava has been always very high.

Information about the quality of drinking water is updated each day. For details see www.smvak.cz.  The website lists the limit and upper threshold values for the indicators and the current values measured for the water treatment plants and for the supplied territories. Each consumer may check if the required parameters are followed and can be sure that the drinking water is good for health and safe for drinking.
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