Objects of business

The core business is production and supply of drinking water as well as discharge and treatment of wastewater. 95 % of drinking water is produced from central resources managed by Povodí Odry (the river basin authority) in three main water treatment plants in the Ostrava Area Water Network The water treatment plants are located in Podhradí u Vítkova, Nová Ves u Frýdlantu nad Ostravicí and Vyšní Lhoty near Frýdek-Místek. Raw water is taken from the Kružberk Dam in the foothills of the Jeseníky Mountains and Šance Dam and Morávka Dam in the Beskydy Mountains.
Drinking water is also supplied for towns with local sources of water.
SmVaK Ostrava operates sewage systems in 76 municipalities. The length of the sewage system is 1,774 km. More than 521,000 people are connected to the SmVaK Ostrava’s sewage system. SmVaK Ostrava also operates 65 wastewater treatment plants (61 mechanical-biological and 4 mechanical WWTPs) with the total capacity of 279,682 m3 per day (973,210 equivalent population).
In addition to the core business, SmVaK Ostrava provides other services. For details read the section For Customers.