
SmVaK Ostrava has new customer and emergency lines

As of 1 October the customers of the water company can call the customer and emergency lines for free

Ostrava, 27 September 2016. SmVaK Ostrava decided to take another measure in order to improve quality of its customer services. Since 1 October, new phone numbers are available for the customer and emergency lines. The paid “white" lines were replaced with free green lines.

The new phone number for SmVaK Ostrava customer line is 800 292 400.  This line is again available each working day, from 07.30 until 18.00. The emergency line will be again available 24/7, but there is a new phone number: 800 292 300.

Those who will call the original phone numbers after 1 October, will be diverted, during the first month, and informed about the change.

 “We have complied with wishes of our customers. Their questions, comments, suggestions and interest in our services are important for us. The only change that will our clients face when calling the new phone numbers is positive – all costs will be borne by us. Whoever needs help with respect to drinking water or wastewater should not hesitate and should call us. Our employees are helpful professionals and the customer will see that our offer of water services is really total", says Anatol Pšenička, Managing Director of SmVaK Ostrava.