
SmVaK Ostrava will operate the wastewater network in Dolní Domaslavice

SmVaK Ostrava won the concession tender and as of 1 October it will operate the wastewater network in a town next to the Žermanice Dam Wastewater will be supplied into the wastewater treatment plant in Soběšovice.

Ostrava, 16 September 2016. The wastewater network in Dolní Domaslavice was built within remediation of environment damage in the project that focused on improved discharge of wastewater from the right-hand bank of the Žermanice Dam, in Dolní Domaslavice, stages I and II. This is a gravity-fall and pressurised sanitary sewage network where wastewater is pumped locally through ten new underground pumping stations. SmVaK will operate the wastewater system for five years.

“We have taken over the new wastewater system that will be put into trial operation in line with warranty terms and conditions issued by the contractor. People living in the town will be connected to the system gradually. An advantage is, of course, that the sewage system is connected to SmVaK wastewater treatment plant with sufficient free capacity, advanced technologies and competent operators”, says Jan Tlolka, Director of Sewage Systems in SmVaK.

More than 240 service pipes were laid for connection of houses to the wastewater systems. At the end of the sewage pipeline, there is an inspection shaft for connection of the service pipes from the houses.

During the construction, 9,342 meters of gravity fall pipelines and 3,605 meters of pressurised pipelines were laid. Along the route, there are ten pumping stations with advanced electronic facilities for remote control and monitoring.

“We would like to thank everybody who has patiently suffered from inconvenience which always accompanies such big construction project. I do believe we have made a good choice in the concession tender: we chose the leading water company in this Region, with years of professional experience. I believe that all parties involved will be happy with the cooperation. We were very careful in selection of the operator – we required fulfilment of many technical, economic and personal criteria.
All people will be rewarded: there will be better water in the Dam, cleanliness in public places will improve and, in the future,   quality of ground water will be better",
says Pavel Postůvka, mayor.

SmVaK Ostrava operates 1,744 km of sewage systems in 76 towns and villages. More than 521,000 people are connected to SmVaK’s sewage system. 111 wastewater pumping stations and 65 wastewater treatment plants are able to pump and treat 268,680 m3 wastewater each day. In 2015 SmVak Ostrava treated almost 28 million m3 of wastewater from 52,112 sewers.
In addition to water and wastewater systems in the Moravian-Silesian Region, SmVaK Ostrava has been operating since 1 January 2016 the sewage system and wastewater treatment plant in Losiny, Region of Olomouc, at the foothills of the Jeseníky Mountains.

 “We appreciate the success and believe that people in Dolní Domaslavice will be happy with our services. Employees in SmVaK are competent and able to deal with standard operational issues and problems. They can help the customers and provide information about drinking water or wastewater,” says Anatol Pšenička, Managing Director of SmVaK.